Online Medical Certificate

Are you mildly unwell and just need a medical certificate for work or school? Save time and money and get your Medical Certificate online.

From just $40*

Up to 5 days:

We can generate a medical certificate for up to 5 days. For your safety, you will need an in-person consultation if you need a longer time off work or school.

NZ Qualified Clinicians:

Your questionnaire will be reviewed by our clinical team at WeCare who will provide you with a medical certificate after a brief phone consultation at your selected time. 

It's Safe:

Our clinicians will ask a few questions to ensure there are no clinical concerns and by having your consultation virtually you can minimise the spread of infections in a waiting room.

How it works

Online Questionnaire

Complete a simple pre-consultation questionnaire online, to outline your symptoms and ensure we can safely treat you over the phone.

Phone Consultation

Book a same-day phone consultation with a clinician to go through your symptoms and discuss treatment options

Step Three

Receive your medical certificate by email immediately after consultation.

No need to see a doctor in-person

Online medical certificates can be provided safely for mild illnesses which do not require a visit to the doctor. If you are experiencing a more severe illness, please book a consultation with your usual provider instead.  If this is a medical emergency, please dial 111 for an ambulance immediately.

  • Common cold
  • Sore throat
  • Mild viral illness
  • Stomach upset
  • Period pain
  • Migraine
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Mental health
  • Other minor illnesses
Frequently Asked Questions
Is an online medical certificate the same as a paper certificate?

Yes! We provide a signed medical certificate with all legal requirements met in PDF format to your email.

Can you back-date a Medical Certificate?

After speaking to our clinician and determined as appropriate, a medical certificate date range can be backdated to the beginning of your current illness. The medical certificate can only be issued for a maximum of 5 days total. The consultation date displayed on the medical certificate will be the date which you spoke to our clinician and this cannot be back-dated.

What if I need longer than 5 days off work?

If you are unwell and off work or school for longer than 5 days, you will need to be assessed by a doctor as there may be treatments or investigations required. You can either get a medical certificate for up to 5 days and then see how you feel OR book directly with your usual provider.

Can I get a WINZ or ACC medical certificate online?

Unfortunately we are not able to offer these medical certificates through our online service. Please book an in-person, video or phone consultation with your usual provider.

What if the clinician does not feel it is appropriate to issue a medical certificate?

If it is not deemed appropriate to issue a medical certificate, we will work with you to find the best option. This might be a virtual or phone consultation with a clinician OR an in-person appointment. The cost of the medical certificate will be credited to any other consultation required or refunded if no other appropriate option is available for you.

When will I receive my Medical Certificate?

You will receive your medical certificate by email immediately after your booked phone consultation with a clinician.